Thursday 19 November 2015

5 Stages of SEO Project in 2017

The SEO Project has to go undergo the process of these 5 Stages from the beginning to the completion of the SEO project in order to have successful SEO campaign.You need to have a good SEO team who are professionals and have a great knowledge and expertise in SEO task and those who are dedicated and committed

The following are the five important stages of SEO phase
  • 1)Pre site optimization – They include
  1. A) Keyword research and selection – They are the most important part of any SEO project. We need to find the relevant keywords, which has less completion and higher number of Searches and even the KEI is high. You need to take into consideration your customers and also geotargeting when selecting your keywords
  2. B) Competitors Analysis – You need to know who are your competitors are for your primary keywords. You need to know what keyword they are using to get ranked higher in search engines and what keywords are making the users to land on their website. You all need to know where all, your competitor have placed keywords in his website. There are various online tools to check out competitor’s keyword placement.
  3. C) Market strategy – those who handle SEO work are good marketers and every marketer has to be a good researcher. Market research often captures data on demographics, customer values, market trends, competitive landscape, and effective mediums which is very important in making SEO decisions
  4. D) Business Strategy – You need to develope a good business strategy for your SEO project by taking into consideration all the goals, objectives and tasks to be achieved. You also need to check for the latest SEO trends in the market.
2) On Site optimization – These include Meta tags and meta tags in SEO are very important tags. There are many meta tags but out of them, there are 4 important meta tags from SEO point of view. The meta title is of utmost importance and then follows the meta description and meta keyword tags and the 4thimportant one is the meat robot tags. Various other ways includes Internal linking , proper site structure, proper URL structure, make your site mobile and SEO friendly, proper website design and architecture etc.
3) Off site optimization – It all about link building and link popularity. You need to have not only large quantity of sites linking to you but also need to have high PR quality sites linking back to you.There are various ways to get  a backlinks such as directories, social bookmarking, article creation and submissions, blog commenting, forum posting, blog postings, URL submissions  etc. Off page also has to do with growing your site authority
4) Post Site optimization – Responding to feedback   given by the customers on your feedback page and all check with website or webpage loading speed and time. You also need to measure your goals and results  whether they have been met  or not .
5) Ongoing site optimization  – This is a continuous process as SEO professionals needs to make frequent changes in website and needs to keep the website updated. They need to add fresh content as it will make the crawlers to crawl your site more frequently.You also need to monitor your site performance on regular basis.

If you really need to have success in your SEO career, it is advisable to follow all these 5 steps and you  will get to see positive results.
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